Chris Cross

Depth of Love for Us

by John Piper

As I have pondered the love of Christ for us, and the different ways that the Bible presents it to us, I have seen four ways that the depth of Christ’s love is revealed.
First, we know the depth of someone’s love for us by what it costs him. If he sacrifices his life for us, it assures us of deeper love than if he only sacrifices a few bruises. So we will see the depth of Christ’s love by the greatness of what it cost him.
Second, we know the depth of someone’s love for us by how little we deserve it. If we have treated him well all our life, and have done all that he expects of us, then when he loves us, it will not prove as much love as it would if he loved us when we had offended him, and shunned him, and disdained him. The more undeserving we are, the more amazing and deep is his love for us. So we will see the depth of Christ’s love in relation to how undeserving are the objects of his love (Romans 5:5–8).
Third, we know the depth of someone’s love for us by the greatness of the benefits we receive in being loved. If we are helped to pass an exam, we will feel loved in one way. If we are helped to get a job, we will feel loved another way. If we are helped to escape from an oppressive captivity and given freedom for the rest of our life, we will feel loved another way. And if we are rescued from eternal torment and given a place in the presence of God with fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore, we will know a depth of love that surpasses all others (1 John 3:1–3). So we will see the depth of Christ’s love by the greatness of the benefits we receive in being loved by him.
Fourth, we know the depth of someone’s love for us by the freedom with which they love us. If a person does good things for us because someone is making him, when he doesn’t really want to, then we don’t think the love is very deep.Love is deep in proportion to its liberty. So if an insurance company pays you $40,000 because you lose your spouse, you don’t usually marvel at how much this company loves you. There were legal constraints. But if your Sunday School class makes all your meals for a month after your spouse dies, and someone calls you every day, and visits you every week, then you call it love, because they don’t have to do this. It is free and willing. So we will see the depth of Christ’s love for us in his freedom: “No one takes my life from me; I lay it down of my own accord” (John 10:18).
To push this truth to the limit, let me quote for you a psalm that the New Testament applies to Jesus (Hebrews 10:9). It refers to his coming into the world to offer himself as a sacrifice for sin: “I delight to do your will, O my God” (Psalm 40:8). The ultimate freedom is joy. He rejoiced to do his redeeming work for us. The physical pain of the cross did not become physical pleasure. But Jesus was sustained through it all by joy. He really, really wanted to save us. To gather for himself a happy, holy, praising people. He displayed his love like a husband yearning for a beloved bride (Ephesians 5:25–33).

Taken from "Love to the Uttermost" Easter Reading Plan -

Chris Cross

The gospel of Mark secara khusus bicara ttg Yesus sbg Servant-God. Yesus yang melayani dari 1 tempat ke tempat lain digambarkan Markus dengan menggunakan kata “segera” dan “lalu” hingga 41 kali. Namun ada tokoh lain yaitu Yohanes Pembaptis yang sangat menarik karena menggambarkan seorang servant-man, seorang pelayan yang sedemikian rupa berdedikasi kpd Tuannya.

Sekilas mengenai Yohanes Pembaptis
John = the Lord is gracious = the Lord shows grace
Lahir                      :  7 BC dari Zechariah (priest) & Elizabeth in their old ages, keduanya keturunan Harun,   kelahirannya dinubuatkan oleh malaikat dan diiringi peristiwa ajaib.
Peran utama      :  The forerunner of Jesus à prepares the way for the Messiah (fulfill Isaiah 40 : 3)
Isi pemberitaan    :  Repentance-baptism (repentance is necessary for salvation). Mengabarkan bhw Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat à harus bertobat dari segala dosa dan menyambut  Christ, the Savior who brings salvation.
Tempat tinggal  :  padang gurun Yudea (sblm memulai pelayanannya)
Makanan             :  locust, wild honey (krn tinggal di padang gurun)
Outfit                    :  jubah dari camel’s hair, leather belt around his waist
Akhir hidup         :  dipenggal atas perintah Herodes Antipas untuk memenuhi permintaan Herodias via anaknya Salome.

Karakteristik Yohanes Pembaptis (the servant-man) :
    1)      Luke 1:14 à Joy & delight for his parents & great in the sight of the Lord à dipenuhi Roh Allah sejak lahir (Nazirite vow of abstinence from alcoholic drinks ~ Samuel)
    2)      Terfokus pada tugas  (Mark 1:7-8) à memberitakan ttg kedatangan Kristus, sang Mesias sejati.
    3)      Rela menderita dalam menjalankan tugas à pakaian, makanan, gaya hidup – John’s simple food, clothing, lifestyle were a visual protest against self-indulgence. Seorang pelayan yang sederhana.
    4)      A humble heart à rela jadi di belakang spy Yesus di depan, kehilangan murid2, jd tidak populer lagi.
   5)      Setia mengabarkan kebenaran sampai mati (Mark 6 : 14-29) à menyatakan kebenaran di depan Herodes Antipas mengenai Herodias walau akhirnya harus dibayar dgn nyawanya.
  6)      Manusia biasa dengan pergumulan yang manusiawi à sempat gamang saat ada dlm penjara, mempertanyakan ke-Mesias-an Yesus, namun diberikan reassurance oleh Yesus (Luke 7 : 18-35)
   7)   John 3 : 27-30 à John’s joy was to hear Jesus’ success in His ministry. Yohanes Pembaptis menyadari betul peran dirinya shg bisa menempatkan diri dengan tepat & memberi Tuhan Yesus tempat yang selayaknya & seharusnya.
“HE must become greater, I must become less”

(John to his disciple in John 3 : 30)

Refleksi :
    1)      Apakah saya seorang pelayan Tuhan? Jika bukan, mengapa?
    2)      Jika ya, apa makna menjadi pelayan Tuhan bagi saya?
    3)      Sudahkah saya memiliki karakteristik pelayan seperti Yohanes Pembaptis? Jika ya, yang mana saja? Jika tidak, mengapa?
    4)      Adakah bahaya2 yang mengintai seorang pelayan Tuhan? Apa sajakah itu?
    5)      Bagaimana cara menanggulangi bahaya2 tersebut?
Chris Cross

(Frances R. Hevergal / Samuel S. Wesley)

Another year is dawning!
Dear Father let it be,
in working or in waiting
another year with Thee.
Another year is leaning
up on Thy loving breast.
Another year of trusting
of quiet happy rest

Another year of mercies
of faithfulness and grace.
Another year of gladness
in the shining of Thy face.
Another year of progress,
another year of praise.
Another year of proving
Thy presence all the days.

Another year of service
of witness for Thy love.
Another year of training
for holier work above.
Another year is dawning!
Dear Father let it be,
On earth or else in heaven,
another year for Thee.

Lagu : Batu Penjuru G’reja (KJ 252) / Dasar Gereja yang Esa (KPPK 386) / Another Year is Dawning (BLP 388)
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