Chris Cross
by Rick Warren

Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come. 
1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT)

One of the ways we train for godliness is by maintaining our physical health. The truth is, your body was not designed for inactivity. God created you to be active. Even a daily walk will make a difference in your physical well-being and your spiritual well-being. 
One thing I have noticed is that most of us are convinced but not committed. We know that exercise is good for us. We are convinced of that, but that doesn’t mean we are committed to exercise.
What is the common excuse?  ‘I don't have the time.’
Chris Cross
by Rick Warren

"These instructions are not mere words - they are your life! By obeying them you will enjoy a long life ..." 
Deuteronomy 32:47 (NLT)

Many people think the Bible is only filled with commands labeled "Thou shalt not..." They assume the Bible is all about restrictions and making you lead a boring life.
But God wants you to live a joy-filled, healthy life. The last two factors for good health that I want to share with you should put a smile on your face.
Chris Cross
by Rick Warren

When I refused to confess my sin, I was weak and miserable, and I groaned all day long. 
Psalm 32:3 (NLT)

Yesterday we looked at the importance of trusting God and letting go of resentment, worry, and fear to maintain good health. This leads right into the second biblical factor for good health.
Chris Cross
by Rick Warren

I said to myself, "Relax, because the Lord takes care of you." 
Psalm 116:7 (NCV)

God has given you the gift of your body and it comes with an owner's manual - the Bible. In it are all the instructions you need to take care of yourself and live a long life.
You already know the basics - proper nutrition, exercise, a good night's rest. Today I want to look at the first of four health factors you may not have thought of for living long and well.

Chris Cross
 “Kesembuhan yang Ajaib” (Miraculous Healing)
Henry Frost
176 halaman

It was one hot Sunday noon (12 o’clock in the equator sunlight!!). I went home to have lunch, opened my FB and clicked the News Feed. A list of status updates showed up and one of them stroke me like thunder in a one holed-noon (itu kan Inggrisnya untuk “petir di siang-bolong”??).

About one month before, she wrote that she had pleural effusion – accumulation of fluid in thorax cavity between lung and pleura (selaput paru-paru). Back then, I thought that she got TBC (Indonesia’s national lung disease). And finally, they found the pleural effusion cause. The malignancy - lung cancer.

She’s a doctor, the same year as me, our age only differ one year.  She’s a Sundanese and we share hometown, Bandung. We were in the same lab group during med school. After graduation I don’t really know her updates, until now, when I learned her lung cancer. Stage 4 Squamous Cell Lung Cancer.

All of a sudden, a consciousness comes to mind. How does it feel? What if…it’s me and not her?
But more than that, I suddenly feel sad. My colleague, who hasn’t met HIM personally, is dying.


“Mengapa Allah menyembuhkan beberapa orang dan tidak menyembuhkan yang lainnya?“

Demikian tag line dari buku putih terbitan Visipress berjudul “Kesembuhan yang Ajaib” (Miraculous Healing). Walau katanya buku itu diterbitkan thn 2009, baru beberapa bln lalu aku melihat buku itu terpampang di toko buku rohani. Waktu itu aku baru saja pulang dari mission trip di Temanggung, my second mission trip yang meninggalkan kesan cukup dalam. Karena pengalaman di Temanggung itulah (akan kuceritakan lain kali), aku sangat tertarik ketika melihat buku itu (dan satu buku lain yang juga akan kuceritakan di lain kesempatan). 

Penulisnya adalah direktur nasional pertama dari China Inland Mission (a.k.a OMF International) di Amerika Utara, Henry Frost, yg juga merupakan rekanan dari (the famous) Hudson Taylor, pendiri CIM. Sebenarnya buku ini sudah lansia, pertama kali diterbitkan dalam bahasa aslinya pada tahun 1931 (wow, Indonesia masih dibawah penjajahan Belanda tuh). Pada edisi Indonesia-nya ini, turut diterjemahkan kata pengantar dari Joni Eareckson Tada, seorang penderita tetraplegia (kelumpuhan tangan dan kaki) selama 30 tahun lebih.

I found this book very interesting karena Frost membahasnya bukan hanya dari segi biblikal, tapi juga segi praktikal. Dia membeberkan argumen2 yang masuk akal sekaligus alkitabiah sebagai penjelasan thd pokok2 perdebatan yang umum, terutama dari orang2 yang mengklaim mukjizat secara ekstrim & keliru. Tetapi dia tidak kehilangan iman bahwa Allah tetap mampu dan mau memberikan kesembuhan yang ajaib pada masa sekarang ini.

Let’s peek in! ^ ^

Chris Cross
by : Rick Warren

“Keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.” Proverbs 3:1-2 (NIV)

If I had a pill that could promise to add years to your life, you’d probably pay a lot of money for it. But what if I told you, as a Christian, you already have the key to a long life and it’s free?
Chris Cross
by Philip Yancey

Read: Psalm 27
The Lord is the strength of my life. —Psalm 27:1
Bible in a year:
Ezekiel 27-29; 1 Peter 3
We tend to compartmentalize our lives. We fill our days with activities such as work, errands, chores, caring for children. And then we try to carve out time for “spiritual” activities such as church, small groups, personal devotions.
Chris Cross
by : Rick Warren

I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1 (NIV)

Did you know that twenty percent of the population in every state in America is obese? And 50 million people worldwide will die this year from chronic diseases due to being overweight.
Your physical health is an important part of making your life count. I want to look at the right motivation for getting healthy – what God’s says about the importance of your body in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 (NIV).
Chris Cross

by Marvin Williams

A certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. —Luke 10:33
Bible in a year:
Jeremiah 27-29; Titus 3
One of the major obstacles to showing compassion is making prejudgments about who we think is worthy of our compassion. Jesus told a parable to answer the question: “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29). Or, who qualifies as worthy of our neighborly acts?

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