Chris Cross

(Frances R. Hevergal / Samuel S. Wesley)

Another year is dawning!
Dear Father let it be,
in working or in waiting
another year with Thee.
Another year is leaning
up on Thy loving breast.
Another year of trusting
of quiet happy rest

Another year of mercies
of faithfulness and grace.
Another year of gladness
in the shining of Thy face.
Another year of progress,
another year of praise.
Another year of proving
Thy presence all the days.

Another year of service
of witness for Thy love.
Another year of training
for holier work above.
Another year is dawning!
Dear Father let it be,
On earth or else in heaven,
another year for Thee.

Lagu : Batu Penjuru G’reja (KJ 252) / Dasar Gereja yang Esa (KPPK 386) / Another Year is Dawning (BLP 388)
Chris Cross


by Chris Cross on Sunday, 16 October 2011 at 12:03

"Perhaps some future day, Lord, Thy strong hand
Will lead me to the place where I must stand 
Utterly alone.

Alone, o Gracious Lover, but for Thee;
I shall be satisfied if I can see Jesus only.

I do not know Thy plan for years to come,
My spirit finds in Thee its perfect home,

Lord, all my desire is before Thee now,
Lead on, no matter where, no matter how -- 
I trust in Thee."
-- 'Loneliness' Elisabeth Elliot

When God asked me "Do You want My will, at any cost?"
Can I honestly answer the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth -- "Yes, Lord. At any cost"  ?
Chris Cross

An Excerpt from "Decision Making By The Book"

by Chris Cross on Saturday, 24 September 2011 at 11:20

"Decision making can be very difficult....
 We're afraid of decisions; & we back away from them for 2 reasons :
 1) We're aware of the consequences
     ...uncertain that we can handle the regrets....
     It's difficult to choose the path when we do not like where it leads.
 2) We often face a decision with uncertain consequences (not knowing how things will turn out)....
     We're aware that each path will lead us in a different direction, but we can't be sure where.

Some people decide not to decide. 
But if we wait for a 20/20 vision of the future, we'll never decide.
We will stand immobilized at the point of decision,
& instead of making up our minds, circumstances will control our lives..."

--for further reading--
   "Decision Making By The Book" Haddon W.Robinson, 1998, Discovery House Publishers
    (RBC Ministries)

Tough choices, tough decision.
Just endure the pain & be grateful for the moments that have passed.

Chris Cross


by Chris Cross on Monday, 06 June 2011 at 09:47

Genesis 22 : 1-19
(cf. Genesis 12 : 1-8)

Faith  is proved by acts of obedience.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
There's no way I can love God wholeheartedly if there's still things/people/even myself to which/whom I still attached to.

Hidup dgn tangan yg terbuka, bukan dengan kepalan yg menggenggam.
Not to gain or possess more, but to give and let go in terms of obedience.

" I know that you (Abraham) fear God,because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son (Isaac)."
Fear = reverential trust in God & commitment to His revealed will
Abraham's faith was made complete by what he did

What will I do/say when my journey w/ God compels me to sacrifice what/whom I love/hold dear the most?
Because nobody/nothing should ever come as more important than my obedience to God.
Will I let go? Will I respond in prompt obedience?
Or will I run or make excuses or held grudge against God?

But Abraham's faith didn't grow in a week, it took a long continuous process,
walked side by side, day by day in a journey w/ God, through all its ups & downs.
Just like us now, I hope. 

What are these words really mean for me & you personally??
(in the light of our relationship w/ God so far)
- Faith
- Action
- Obedience
- Blessing
- To sacrifice what/whom we love/hold dear the most
- Pleasing God
- Unconditional love
- Commitment

--~thelessonfromAbraham,the man-of-faith~--
Chris Cross


by Chris Cross on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 at 08:41

"Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan & kebohongan.
Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan.
Biarkanlah aku menikmati apa yang menjadi bagianku.
Supaya, kalau aku kenyang,
aku tidak menyangkal-Mu dan berkata : Siapa Tuhan itu?
Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri,
dan mencemarkan nama Allahku."

--Agur bin Yake

"Karena akar segala kejahatan adalah cinta uang.
Sebab oleh memburu uanglah
beberapa orang telah menyimpang dari iman
dan menyiksa dirinya dengan berbagai-bagai duka"
Chris Cross


by Chris Cross on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 at 09:42

Genesis 8 : 1-14
Noah's waiting on God inside the ark

Allah punya maksud membentuk pribadi dlm proses penantian jawaban doa
Tidak banyak orang yang bersedia "menunggu" Allah menyatakan karya-Nya
Tidak banyak orang yang mau "berdiam" saat Allah memproses mereka (SH)
- Makanya walaupun Allah tahu apa yg kita butuhkan, Dia tetap menginginkan kita untuk meminta kepada-Nya (Matthew 7:7-8,11)
- "Berdiam" tidak berarti pasif-bengong-apatis, tidak juga berarti menunggu dgn tidak sabar-gelisah-kuatir-pusing sendiri
- Dalam penantian, ada 'dual process' yg terjadi : proses pengenalan akan Allah & proses pembentukan karakter kita

Waiting on God, patiently...hopefully...actively
Chris Cross


by Chris Cross on Tuesday, 26 April 2011 at 17:24

(John Waller, OST Fireproof)

I'm waiting 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
And I am hopeful 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
Though it is painful 
But patiently, I will wait 

I will move ahead, bold and confident 
Taking every step in obedience 

While I'm waiting 
I will serve You 
While I'm waiting 
I will worship 
While I'm waiting 
I will not faint 
I'll be running the race 
Even while I wait 

I'm waiting 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
And I am peaceful 
I'm waiting on You, Lord 
Though it's not easy 
But faithfully, I will wait 
Yes, I will wait 

I will serve You while I'm waiting 
I will worship while I'm waiting 
I will serve You while I'm waiting 
I will worship while I'm waiting 
I will serve you while I'm waiting 
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord 

--I'm waiting on You Lord,
be the Source, for U are the Vine
make me, mould me, use me, for U are the Potter
in Your wisdom, in Your time---

But I'll be running the race 
Even while I wait 
Chris Cross

NO GREATER LOVE - John W. Peterson

by Chris Cross on Sunday, 24 April 2011 at 10:22

The love of friend and lover is often sweetly sung
But no greater love than the Saviour's love can be told by mortal tongue

There is no greater love than that of Christ above
That made Him stoop to earth , become a man
And by His death provide redemption's plan
There is no greater love, that's why I'm singing of
God's love so rich and free---revealed at Calvary--

With value more than money, or jewels rich and rare
There is naught on earth of an equal worth
Oh, His love's beyond compare!

If He had died for angels or seraphim on high
We could understand, but amazed we stand 
That for sinners lost He'd die!

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