Chris Cross

An Excerpt from "Decision Making By The Book"

by Chris Cross on Saturday, 24 September 2011 at 11:20

"Decision making can be very difficult....
 We're afraid of decisions; & we back away from them for 2 reasons :
 1) We're aware of the consequences
     ...uncertain that we can handle the regrets....
     It's difficult to choose the path when we do not like where it leads.
 2) We often face a decision with uncertain consequences (not knowing how things will turn out)....
     We're aware that each path will lead us in a different direction, but we can't be sure where.

Some people decide not to decide. 
But if we wait for a 20/20 vision of the future, we'll never decide.
We will stand immobilized at the point of decision,
& instead of making up our minds, circumstances will control our lives..."

--for further reading--
   "Decision Making By The Book" Haddon W.Robinson, 1998, Discovery House Publishers
    (RBC Ministries)

Tough choices, tough decision.
Just endure the pain & be grateful for the moments that have passed.

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