Chris Cross


by Chris Cross on Monday, 06 June 2011 at 09:47

Genesis 22 : 1-19
(cf. Genesis 12 : 1-8)

Faith  is proved by acts of obedience.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
There's no way I can love God wholeheartedly if there's still things/people/even myself to which/whom I still attached to.

Hidup dgn tangan yg terbuka, bukan dengan kepalan yg menggenggam.
Not to gain or possess more, but to give and let go in terms of obedience.

" I know that you (Abraham) fear God,because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son (Isaac)."
Fear = reverential trust in God & commitment to His revealed will
Abraham's faith was made complete by what he did

What will I do/say when my journey w/ God compels me to sacrifice what/whom I love/hold dear the most?
Because nobody/nothing should ever come as more important than my obedience to God.
Will I let go? Will I respond in prompt obedience?
Or will I run or make excuses or held grudge against God?

But Abraham's faith didn't grow in a week, it took a long continuous process,
walked side by side, day by day in a journey w/ God, through all its ups & downs.
Just like us now, I hope. 

What are these words really mean for me & you personally??
(in the light of our relationship w/ God so far)
- Faith
- Action
- Obedience
- Blessing
- To sacrifice what/whom we love/hold dear the most
- Pleasing God
- Unconditional love
- Commitment

--~thelessonfromAbraham,the man-of-faith~--
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